

默想二: 基督徒身處世界,但怎麽又不屬這世界?我們是天國的子民,我們作神兒女的身分不屬於這個世界。雖然我們不屬於世界,我們卻不是消極的出世者,而是積極的入世者;我們不是逃避這世界,而是要面對這世界。基督徒的使命不是要改進這世界,而是領人從世界得救出來。我們在世上有很尊貴的身分,但同時有重大的使命,就是傳福音領人歸主。


《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “He saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.” (Tit 3:5)     

Meditation one: Why did the Lord Jesus want to save us? Is it because we have accomplished something for Him? No! Is it because we are lovable? No! It is not because we are any better, but because of His mercy and the riches of the grace (Eph 2:8-9). From an objective perspective of the truth, if someone is in Christ, he is a new creation (2Co 5:17). Salvation is God’s gift, and no one can earn the salvation by one’s own deeds. But out of a subjective experience, after we have believed in the Lord, we then should obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit and through Him, our lives will continue to renew.

Meditation two: Although Christians are in this world, yet why do they not belong to this world? We are citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Our identities as children of God are not part of this world. Although we do not belong to this world, yet we proactively face the world and not passively evade this world. The Christians’ mission is not to improve this world, but to lead and save people out of this world. We have an honorable status in this world, and at the same time have borne a great mission, which is to preach the gospel and to lead people to the Lord. 

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for the riches of Your mercy. There is nothing to boast about my receiving of Your grace. Please help me and let me be grateful. I will make good use of the time given to me and live a godly life, cherish every moment to witness Your greatness, preach Your salvation. The ultimate purpose is to glorify Your Holy Name. I pray in the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
