GRADES 6 - 12
AWANA is a weekly club for churched and non-churched children. AWANA is held at CCCB on Friday evenings from 8:00 PM – 9:45 PM during the school year (same as public school schedule). The AWANA prayer is that “all children and youth throughout the world will come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ”. Our CCCB AWANA team will strive to develop spiritually strong children who will faithfully follow Jesus Christ.
Our AWANA program is currently open to children from Pre-K through 6th grade and is divided into three different groups:

Cubbies® is a ministry for children who are in Pre-K (Ages 3-5). Cubbies® celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word.
Sparks® is a ministry for children who are in Grades K-2. Sparks® ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.
T&T (Truth & Training) is a ministry for children who are in Grades 3-6. The T&T curriculum teaches kids the truth of God’s Word, trains them to follow Him and practice His grace.
The typical nightly schedule is as follows:
7:45-8:00PM Sign-in (Fellowship Hall)
8:00-8:10PM Open Ceremony & Praise Worship
8:10-9:40PM Large groups, small groups, game time
9:40-9:45PM Closing ceremony
After 9:45PM Snack time (optional)
For more information, please click on the links below to visit the Awana website or contact our Awana Director, Nan Yu.
The Children’s Ministry at CCCB exists to provide a solid foundation for our children to know, love, and obey God as they become strong and growing believers. The children learn and apply God’s word, and participate in worship to God. We are also here to partner with parents and family members in discipling our children.
The Children’s Ministry takes place on Sunday mornings from 9:30AM-12:30PM and is open to any and all children. The typical schedule is as follows:
9:30-10:45AM Kids’ Church in Room 119
11:00-11:30AM Kids’ Worship at the Logos Stage Area
11:15-12:30PM Kid’s Sunday School in various rooms
For more information, please click on the link below to contact our Children’s Ministry Deacon, Nan Yu.
The youth ministry (also known as R.O.C.K. for Redeemer Our Christ the King) exists to encourage teenagers and to solidify the foundations of their Christian faith in order to prepare them for college and beyond. Through exciting fellowship, thoughtful bible studies and inspired worship, our aim is to build up our young believers that will lead in this world for Christ.
Typically the youth group meets every Saturday beginning at 7:30pm in the LOGOS Stage area but due to the pandemic we have been meeting on ZOOM at the same day and time. These meetings are open to 6th-12th graders.
For more information, please click on the links below to check out our Facebook page or email Andy Castro.