




Bible Reading: John 17.

Insight:  “Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one.” (Joh 17:11b)

Insight one: What was Jesus’ prayer for the church before he was nailed on the cross? He prayed God heavenly Father to make them “be one”. The unity of Christians does not mean the unity of the organization, or the unity of formats, or the unity of actions, nor does it refer to the unity of emotion, rational, and opinion. It refers to the unity of the soul of life, just like the unity of the Holy Father, the Holy Son, and the Holy Spirit.   

Insight two: How can a Church show her true unity? We should, regardless of each other, put down our own opinion and bias before God to connect to the Head, Christ, and make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Satan’s purpose is to make the division of God’s church and shame the name of Christ so that it can celebrate with firecrackers. Yet the brothers and sisters in the church have the same responsibility, which is to live out a unified image to guard the unity made by the Holy Spirit, so that the gospel can be spread widely and the name of the Lord is glorified.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for the reconciliation that Jesus accomplished on the cross. May the Holy Spirit cleanse our church; dissipate every dissension, accusation, segregation, and faction. I am willing to fulfill my duty for the church’s unity and pray for the church. I pray in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!   
