《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psa 100:4-5)
Meditation one: As God’s people, why should “give thanks to God and praise His name”? Since He not only created the heaven and earth, He also completed the work of salvation for people. Through His creation, we understand His wisdom and power; through His salvation, we understand His righteousness and love; through His revelation, we understand His mind. Our knowledge of God affects our gratitude to God. How much we know God then how much we will be grateful to God.
Meditation two: Towards the end of 2020, looking back the past, do you have anything to “thank God”? You may feel that your work is not moving smoothly, you have been sick for year long, all things are clumsy, situations are dreadful, when facing injustice, how can you thank God? How about just calm down, turn to Jesus Christ, and think of what He has done for you: the love sacrificed for you, the life surrendered for you, the blood shed for you, the patience shown to you. Thinking of God’s infinite love, you will be moved just like King David, who is willing to “lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord” (Psa 116:13).
Prayer: God heavenly Father, praise You! Since You are a merciful and gracious God, and abundant in loving kindness. Everything You do and everything you allow to happen is in Your gracious will. Please open my spiritual eyes so that I can see Your truth, good pleasure, and kindness, so that I can bring forth my sincere praise. Please teach me, through You, to live a life of “rejoice always, in everything give thanks” every day. I pray in the precious name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!