



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.” (Heb 7:25)

Meditation one: Why do we believe that Lord Jesus is able to save completely all of those who come to God? This is because on the throne of heaven there is a high priest, Jesus Christ, who bears our cases every day and makes intercessions for us. People’s prayers are often weak and can be disheartened and ceased, but, in order to save us completely, the Lord’s intercessions for us will never cease.

Meditation two: What is the purpose of the Lord Jesus’ intercession for us? He is asking God to keep us, to protect us, to make us like Him, to have the courage of setting apart from the world and manifesting the glory of God. No matter how tempting the world is, how insane Satan’s attacks are, how indulgent our fleshes are, the power of the Lord Jesus’ prayer will keep us.

Prayer: God heavenly Father, thank You for Your promise of saving us completely. Since I know that You are interceding for me at the right hand of God, I should cast all my anxiety and burden on You because You care for me. Let me be a person who prays at all times, just like Your never ceasing intercession. I pray in the victorious name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
