《今日靈修默想》:「因此,主自己要給你們一個兆頭,必有童女懷孕生子,給他起名叫以馬內利(就是神與我們同在的意思)。」(賽 7:14)




★後記:讚美神!祂是從年初到年尾的神。也是昔在、今在、永在的神。祂的話何其甘甜,是我們每日的靈糧。我特別為你們感謝神,透過你們的代禱,讓我這不配的人被神使用。你們的回饋帶給我極大的建造與鼓勵。當聖誕歌處處響起時,惟願以馬內利的主與你、全家、小組、團契、教會同在。恭祝大家 聖誕快樂 主恩滿溢 新年蒙福

《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isa 7:14)

Meditation one: Do people have a way to go to God? It is not possible and to see God is even more impossible. For sinners cannot communicate with the Holy God. But thank God that He Himself, through the only begotten Son Jesus, was born to be with people. This is Immanuel. What did the Lord of Immanuel do? Died for our sins; resurrected after being crucified, and accomplished the salvation. Because He lives among us, we can know God and reconcile with Him. Because of His presence, we can draw near to Him, love Him, serve Him, and glorify Him.

Meditation two: Brothers and sisters, are you facing trials, bondages, chaos, and crashes in your life? Set your face upon God! God can help you. The key is whether you can truly trust God? God’s “Immanuel” is not simply a name or a blessing. It is the purpose of the Lord Jesus’ coming into the world. It is a promise, an assurance, and a surety from God. If God lives with us, walks with us, what else do we worry about?

Prayer: Thank You Heavenly Father for sending the Lord Jesus to be our God of Immanuel. Because the Lord is with me, I am no longer afraid; with the Lord, there is peace in life; with the Lord, it is like in the heaven. When celebrating the Savior’s birth, please help me. I am grateful to take the opportunity to share the meaning of the Savior’s birth with others so that others can experience the grace of “God be with us”. I pray in the precious name of the Lord Jesus, Amen!

★ Postscript: Praise God! He is the God from the beginning of the year through the end of the year. He is also the God who is and who was and who is to come. Your Word, our daily bread, is so sweet. Through your prayers, I thank God in particular, so that an unworthy person like me can be used by God. Your feedback has given me great support and encouragement. When the Christmas songs are singing everywhere, May the Lord of Immanuel be with you, your family, your group, your fellowships, and your church. Wish you all have a Merry Christmas. Lord’s grace overflows as the blessed New Year comes.
