
默想一:任何的禱告,只要信,神真的會聽嗎?是的!只是神的回應有:「不」、「等」和 「是」。當神回答 「不」 時,不要灰心,因為神關上一扇門,是因在其他地方祂開了另一扇門。當神說「等」時,祂不是耽延,而是因為神正在安排對你有益的。當神說「是」時,要勇敢前行,祂必與你同在。我們不是相信自己的禱告很行,而是相信神的話並願順服神最美的旨意。



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Mat 21:22)

Meditation one: Will God really fulfill any prayer, as long as you believe? Yes! But God’s responses may include: “No”, “halt”, and “Yes”. When God answers “No”, don’t be discouraged, the reason that God closes a door is because He opens another gate somewhere else. When God says “halt”, He is not delaying, but because God is arranging something that is for your good. When God says “yes”, go ahead bravely, and He will be with you. We do not consider our prayers are working, but believing in God’s Word and willing to obey His most perfect will.

Meditation two: What if I am too busy and exhausted, and don’t feel like to pray? That is a sign of weakness! We must never leave a breach for the devil. The time when we do not want to pray is the time when we need it most. A prayer is to entrust everything to God, and only God can bring out a solution. Are you longing for any breakthrough and growth in your life this year? Do you want to live a victorious life? Pray!

Prayer: Abba Father, thank You for giving us the authority to pray. You have promised: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Php 4: 6). Pray that the Holy Spirit will shine on me. Inside me, if there is anything prevents me from praying, I ask for Your cleansing and forgiveness. Teach me how to make a good practice of prayer and to live my daily life with a prayer heart. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!
