



《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!’“ (Luk 24:5-6)

Meditation one: What does the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus mean to you? if Lord Christ has not been raised, what we believe and preach is in vain. Then we are still in sin, we are of all people most to be pitied. But thanks to the Lord, for His resurrection from the dead, He has revealed to be the Lord of life. Although the Lord Jesus was buried in the grave, He walked out of the tomb three days later. We have the life of Christ because of our faith, and death is no longer our destiny. Because of his resurrection, we have living hope as well as the assurance of the eternal life.

Meditation two: Is the Lord Jesus a resurrected “living man” in you, your family, your church, your work place, and your ministry? Or is still “a dead” in the grave? Do people around you see that Jesus Christ is living? Or is still lifeless?

Prayer: God our heavenly Father, thank You for the power of the resurrection of Jesus. My tomorrow is filled with hope because You have prevailed against the darkness and defeated the death. Although the world is full of darkness, chaos, restless, I am not afraid, because I know who is in charge of tomorrow. I want to praise You every day and proclaim all of Your wonderful deeds. I pray in the Holy Name of Lord Jesus. Amen!
