




《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” (Joh 20:31)

Meditation one: Who is Jesus? Is He a perfect moralist, a great educator, or a famous religious leader? If the case is just like this, then what you believe is not the true God but someone who eventually is going to pass away. Jesus, as the Bible speaks, is Christ, the Son of God. We do not only intellectually believe in this truth, but also receive the life because of Jesus. What a grace this is! It’s not just the brain that acknowledges; the heart also accepts and has the life. Both truth and grace come from Jesus Christ. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved. (Act 4:12)

Meditation two: Will a Christian who is familiar with the Scriptures, proficient in theology, and enthusiastic about serving be considered as been saved? Not necessarily! The most important thing is whether one can live out a life to prove one’s faith. Intellectual conviction is not salvation, but without intellectual conviction, there cannot be a faith of salvation.

Prayer: Thank You Lord, Because You have given Your only begotten Son to us so we, who believe in You, will have eternal life. Please give Your spirit of truth and open my dull and numb heart. Thus my knowledge in You is no longer blind, nor superstitious, but is built on the solid Rock of Christ to live out the life of Christ. I pray in Your precious holy name. Amen!

Intercession: Pray for the awakening of the Christians in the United States. Let us look upon the guidance of God with one heart regardless of nationality, skin color, and denomination. May we wake up, repent from this epidemic, and return to the true God to witness that the United States is a people of God. May the people turn to the true God in fear, panic and anxiety.
