



《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “Love is . . . does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.” (1Co 13:6)

Meditation one: In your life do you have people that you do not delight in? Are there brothers and sisters in the Church that you can’t forgive? God is love, and we live in His love because of faith. We love, because God loves us first. We cannot “fabricate” love, but “live” out our love.

Meditating two: Are you walking on a pathway of “unrighteousness”? Or striding on a journey toward “truth”? It depends on what you like. Today’s world chaos is: obviously pacing toward darkness and distancing from the light; there is no absolute standard, standard is on your own; as long as I like it, what’s wrong with that. Be cautious, Satan wants you to delight in evil, only God wants you to rejoice with the truth.

Prayer: Lord of omniscient, omnipotent, and ubiquitous, thank You for knowing who I am. You also know that I really need the Holy Spirit to help me in every moment, because in my heart there is envy, boast, pride, recklessness, stubbornness, petulance, and hatred. I ask Your precious blood to cleanse me and renew a right spirit within me. Now, please make me be able to flow out Your love freely. I pray in the precious name of Lord Jesus, Amen!
