


禱告:親愛的主!我相信祢,但我信心不夠,求祢加增我信心。在末世的時代,基督徒的處境會越來越艱難,也會面臨許多來自信仰上的挑戰,但我會記得袮所說的話:『惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。』(太24:13) 求袮的聖靈引導我,我願日日愛祢更進深,服事祢更忠心,信靠祢更堅定,跟隨袮更徹底。禱告都是奉祢寶貴的聖名,阿們!

《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.” (Heb 3:14 )

Meditation one: What does “original conviction” mean? It is the “faith in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Heb 11:1). True faith will not diminish because of hardship, challenge, attack, and persecution, but will become even braver, continue to strive hard, persevere, and sustain without ceasing. Do you remember your first love to the Lord Jesus? If you want to “come to share in Christ”, you need to hold your original conviction firmly.    

Meditation two: Is it easy for us to hold our original conviction firmly to the very end? It is quite hard. The only way is to trust in Jesus Christ since He is the founder and perfecter of our faith and salvation. True faith has the firm and persisting characteristic. The purpose of our persistence is not to ensure the salvation, but to prove that we have been truly saved. Faith is the root of salvation, and patience is the fruit. When you fully surrender your whole person to Him, He will take all the responsibilities for you.

Prayer: Dear Lord! Although I believe in You, but help me overcome my unbelief. Please increase my faith. In the last days, the situation of Christians will turn harder and harder, and will also face many challenges over their faith. But I will remember what You have said: “but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved“(Mat 24:13). Please have Your Holy Spirit to guide me. I am willing to love You deeper and deeper every day, to serve You more faithfully, to trust in You more firmly, and to follow You more persistently. I pray in Your precious holy name, Amen!
