




Bible Reading: Matthew 9

Insight:  “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. . .  For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mat 9:12-13)

Insight one: Who are the most difficult ones to accept the gospel? They are those who consider themselves clever, successful, prosperous, and healthy. They do not acknowledge that they need the gospel. A patient admits to be sick then will look for a doctor, and a sinner confesses to have sin then will seek the Savior. In fact, there is no one righteous in this world. Jesus came to call those who know that they are sinners. Only those who humble and repent before God can be saved.

Insight two: Do you know that you are the one whom God wants to love? He knows the pain of your soul, recognizes your struggles, and understands your situation. But you have to put down your self-righteousness, complacency, and arrogance first, and come to the Lord honestly and humbly like a child. God will not despise a broken and contrite heart. The moment you turn to God, He will save you, release you, and heal you.

Prayer: Thank God for the power of salvation. I admit my insignificance, limitation, weakness, and feebleness. I need your healing. Please send Holy Spirit to dwell in my heart and be my help at all times. Since I live by the Spirit, let me keep in step with the Spirit in everything (Gal 5:25). I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
