《今日靈修默想》:「使徒既證明主道,而且傳講,就回耶路撒冷去,一路在撒馬利亞好些村莊傳揚福音。」(徒 8:25 )





《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “After they had further proclaimed the word of the Lord and testified about Jesus, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages.” (Act 8:25)

Meditation one: What is Christian’s essential evangelism message? It is the good news about Jesus Christ: He was crucified for our sins and gives us salvation; He rose from the dead for us and gives us life; He will come again for us and gives us the hope. To face this dark world, Christians have the responsibility to kindle the true light of Christ and through their daily lives to testify the true faith.

Meditation two: What is the purpose of giving the grace to Christians? What is the best occasion and location to preach the gospel? It is the very place where you are. Whom should you focus on to preach the gospel? They are the people whom you interact with. Paul said: “Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season”. Do not worry about lacking the eloquence, as long as you are willing to preach, leave everything else to God.

Prayer: Thank You God, because Your beloved Son has paid a great price for my sins, saved me by grace, and now it is my opportunity to respond Your grace. Give me the heart of loving people’s souls, sensing the needs of those around me. I am willing to share the heavenly good news with them. I pray in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!

Intercession: Pray for the the world economy hit hard by the virus. The entire United States and the world have suffered economic losses heavily. Companies, factories, and stores are closed, and many people lose their jobs or shift jobs. Pray that God will give wisdom to the ruling leaders and give them the ability to come up with effective relief strategies and recovery plans, Also pray for taking care of the needs of unemployed or poor families at this moment and help them to live through this financial crisis.
