


禱告:讚美三位一體的真神,因袮的憐憫及恩典。我們活在千變萬化又多災多難的世界裡,但我們不怕,袮是我們的依靠,也是我們的盼望。求袮幫助我,認識到我需要保守自己在神的愛中, 我願在至聖的真道上造就自己,在聖靈裡禱告,並且仰望等候主耶穌基督的憐憫,在等候主再來的時刻,我願照袮的心意而活。奉主耶穌得勝的名禱告,阿們!

《Today’s spiritual meditation》:  “But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” (Jud  1:20-21)

Meditation one: In a crooked, perverse generation, filled with evil fornication, Satan’s insanity, and pervasive heresy, what kind of life should Christians pursue every day? 1. Build yourself up in the most holy faith, and read the Bible regularly. 2. Pray in the Holy Spirit and have a persistent prayer life. 3. Keep yourself in God’s love and live a holy life. 4. Wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and live by steadfast faith. How is your spiritual situation recently? What is your weakest spot? Pray for God’s enlightening and always stand fast in the Lord.

Meditation two: How can we “build yourselves up in your most holy faith “? It is to work diligently in the Word of God. This not only refers to the pursuing a better understanding of the truth, but also includes the practicing of the same, which denotes a conversion from an objective truth into a subjective spiritual experience. The Bible is the word of God, the pillar of truth, and the guide for life. We must always keep the words of the Lord in our hearts, lest we offend the Lord. A person who truly knows the Word of God will live out the truth through his/her life.

Prayer: Praise the true God of the Trinity. Because of Your mercy and grace, although we live in an ever-changing world of catastrophe, yet we are not afraid. You are our trust and our hope. Please help me to understand that I need to keep myself in God’s love. I am willing to build myself up in the most holy truth, pray in the Holy Spirit, and wait for the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, while waiting for the Lord’s return. I want to live according to Your will. I pray in the victorious name of Jesus, Amen!
