




Bible Reading: James 4.

Meditation:  “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.” (Jas 4:17)

Meditation one: I did not commit murder, arson, theft, falsehood, how can I be a sinner? The sin that most people talk about is a crime that is condemned based on eye witness and physical evidence according to the law. However, the sin that God speaks about does not only look at the external unlawful acts, but people’s inner motivation and stances. In God’s eyes, sin also includes what you ought to do but you didn’t, and what you should not do but you did. According to God’s standard, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). Yet thank God that through the salvation of Jesus Christ and the light of His Word, people’s lives are changed and become new creations.

Meditation two: Can you be saved through good deeds? It is not possible! True faith not only calls people to have good deeds, but also points out that people have no real ability to do good things. The reason is that they have left God, the source of perfect goodness. When people do not listen to His words, which is sin and sin makes people lose the ability to do good things. The true faith is to let people know the Holy One, God heavenly Father, and be reconciled with Him.

Prayer: Thank God, because You are the most holy, pure, and awesome God. Please forgive me for only knowing good, but not doing good; only have faith, but no deeds; only hearing the message, but not doing that way; only loving God, but not loving others. Let my life be consistent in your light, with words and deeds commensurate, so that people can see your holiness, beauty and sincerity from me. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
