《今日靈修默想》:「看哪!我要做一件新事,如今要發現,你們豈不知道嗎?我必在曠野開道 路,在沙漠開江河。」(賽 43:19) 

默想一:你是否正處在痛苦絕望中?已走到人生的盡頭?上帝要在你生命中為你做一件新事,這 新事是神要「在曠野開道路,在沙漠開江河」。神從創世記到啟示錄,一直做新事,遠超人的想 像和經驗。這位做新事的神是最佳的編劇。如今祂所作的新事繼續藉著耶穌和聖靈得以彰顯,也 藉著我們信主之人來延續。保羅說:「若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新 的了」(林後 5:17)。 

默想二:現代人不會選擇住在曠野和沙漠生活吧?但今天有許多人的生命正困在曠野和沙漠裡。 曠野和沙漠的特徵是沒有道路,也沒有水源。這意味著人生沒有盼望,只是等待死亡。但感謝 神,耶穌在二千多年前降生了,祂為我們的罪被釘死在十字架,第三天從死裡復活。祂成功地為 世人在曠野開了「道路」,也為世人在沙漠開了「江河」。祂是使不可能變為可能的神!在人不 能的,在祂都是可能的,因為在神沒有難成的事。 

禱告:感謝神,因袮是一直做新事的神。袮藉著耶穌基督的降生,為我們開了一條與袮和好的活 路。求袮幫助我,在這聖誕節節裡,我願把耶穌基督的好消息與朋友、親人分享。讓他們經歷到 耶穌基督所帶來的平安、喜樂和盼望。奉耶穌基督的名禱告,阿們! 

《Today’s spiritual meditation》: “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isa 43:19) 

Meditation one: Are you in pain and despair? Have you reached toward the edge of your life? God is going to do a new thing for you in your life, and the new thing is that God is going to “make a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” From Genesis to Revelation, God has been doing new things far beyond human imagination and experience. This God of the new things is the best screenwriter. The new things He does now continue to be manifested through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and through us who are believers. Paul said, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

Meditation two: Do modern people choose to live in the wilderness and wasteland? Yet today there are many whose lives are trapped in the wilderness and wasteland. Wilderness and wasteland are characterized by no roads and no supplies of water. This means that there is no hope in life, just waiting for death. But thank God, Jesus was born more than 2,000 years ago, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead on the third day. He successfully opened “the way” for the world in the wilderness and “the river” for the world in the wasteland. He is the God who makes the impossible possible! What is impossible with man is possible with Him, because nothing is impossible with God. 

Prayer: Thank God, because You are the God who is always doing new things. You have opened a living way for us to be reconciled with You through the birth of Jesus Christ. Please help me, this Christmas, I would like to share the good news of Jesus Christ with friends and relatives. Let them experience the peace, joy, and hope that Jesus Christ brings. I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen! 
