

默想一:你是基督徒?還是門徒?當你接受主的救恩成為基督徒時,你就是基督的門徒。但耶穌呼召的,絕不是隨隨便便、馬馬虎虎、迷迷糊糊的基督徒,而是徹徹底底、實實在在的跟隨者,是敢與世界不同的門徒。他們為基督的緣故,即使冒著生命的危險,永不退縮(no retreat)、永不後悔(no regret)、永不回頭(no return)。

默想二: 作基督的門徒容易嗎?作主門徒是重價的,因為它呼召我們跟從主,是要使人付上生命為代價;它是重價的,因為它賜給人那唯一的真生命。接受廉價恩典的人不用悔改、不用尋求生命的轉化、也不用與世界一刀兩斷,更不用背起十架跟從耶穌。但作主門徒是重價的,它必須是徹底地跟隨基督。跟隨基督是作主門徒的具體表現。


Bible Reading: Matthew 16.

Insight:  “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” (Mat 16:24)

Insight one: Are you a Christian or a disciple? When you accept the Lord’s salvation and become a Christian, you are a disciple of Christ. But Jesus is not calling a casual, careless, dazed Christian, but a disciple who thoroughly, truly follows Christ, and dares to be different from the world. For the sake of Christ, they risk their lives, no retreat, no regret, and no return.

Insight two: Is it easy to be a disciple of Christ? Being a disciple of the Lord is precious, because we are called to follow the Lord and even dedicate the price of our lives; it is precious, because it gives the only true life. Those who receive cheap grace do not repent, seek no life transformation, and do not cut off from the worldly thoughts, let alone take up a cross and follow Jesus. But being a disciple has a price, and one must follow Christ thoroughly. Following Christ is a concrete manifestation of being a disciple of the Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your calling and using me. Because of Your call of love, I am willing to dedicate my remaining time, energy, gifts, talents, and wealth to You. Increase my faith to follow You and be steadier day after day. I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen!
